
Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology for Children

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Today, the world is different from what it was decades ago. Digital technology has transformed the world, as well as childhood. One out of three internet users worldwide is a child, and young people are more connected than other age groups, according to The State of the World’s Children 2017 report published by the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef).


According to Unicef, one-hundred million children used the Internet for the first time from 2012 to 2017. Children are increasingly connected through smartphones or tablets. Therefore, parents should be aware of the pros and cons:



Technology encourages the development of the sensory skills of children.

Despite the risks, if you are with your children, and you monitor them when they use technology, it becomes a tool that supports their development. Meanwhile, Unicef identifies four benefits of new technologies:

  1. They improve the quality of education.
  2. They provide tools and information that allows them to seek new solutions to their problems.
  3. A new economy with more professional options for young people.
  4. A better way to address emergencies.


Bingo Box is an interactive game that helps children understand their environment, strengthening their ability to recognize patterns, and promoting their linguistic development. It is recommended for 2-4 years old children.

SOURCES: Center on the Developing Child — Harvard University; National Library of Medicine (USA); Thieme Publishers; and the American Academy of Pediatrics.